Noemi Skala


Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs

Period of the Fellowship

October 2020 - September 2021

Project title

Optimizing Mental Health & Psychosocial Support for Refugee Children in the Middle East

Short biography

Noemi Skala is passionate about supporting children and families in crisis settings. As a Mercator fellow, she examines how mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) can best be provided for refugee children in the Middle East. Noemi particularly addresses how culture-specific MHPSS can be integrated into education in the local context. In order to do so, she builds on her professional experience in research on child development and in education projects with ReDI School of Digital Integration in Germany and GIZ in Lebanon. Noemi holds a M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neurosciences from LMU University Munich and a B.Sc. in Psychology from the University of Bath and Boston University.